Friday, March 27, 2020

Pet memoir: My cat died last night

This is the last two photos I took of him in my life. Now I have made a Pet Memorial gift.
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Cat Memorial gifts
Very good cat, love us very much, not too hot, sleeping in the middle of my wife's pillow every day. He'll come back to you and meow when he's called. He is only five years old. I heard a loud noise in the next room yesterday in my bed. I thought he was running mad. He always likes to run mad in the room. Maybe a minute later I heard him whine like a dog when he was angry. He lay on the ground twitching when I got out of bed and ran there. At that time, I felt that I was going crazy. It took him about ten minutes to get to the emergency room, and his wife kept CPR for him on the way. When we got to the emergency room, we still didn't get it back. The doctor said it could be a heart attack. I've been crying all night. I feel like a cat when I hear anything. Now the house is full of his toys. The urine in the litter basin last night is still not caked, but the cat is gone. Only the cat memorial gift was left.

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